Operation New Dawn 2011

Operation New Dawn 2011
Taking each day as it comes

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Trip to Baghdad (well Victory Base in Baghdad)

So I'm trying something new, since I've tried to send out my last two newsletter with lots of rejections because I add too many pictures!   Sorry it's taken me a month to figure it out!

 I got selected to go on a trip 60km or so south to Victory Base in Baghdad.  We went ot see how the medical facilities operate there, visit the Iraqi Air Force base that the Air Force is trianing on how to deal with trama and care of patients for when they take over medical care at the end of the year.  We visited the Al Fwa palace, which was one of Sadams' palaces and the Victory over America/Iran palace that we (US) bomed during our search in 2003.   

Here are some of the amazing things I got to see on my trip!

Yep...me, hanging out in Sadam's palace chair...at Al Fwa palace.

Traditional ceilings Sadam had in his palaces.  They were all very detailed wooden carved and hand patined pieces; very beautiful (@Al Fwa Palace)

Walking up the steps in the destroyed Victory over American/Iran palace

Entrance to the Iraqi Air Force Base portion that's located on the Army Victory Base.  The Iraqi Air Force members we met and visted with were medical personnel. 

My JBB AIr Force Medical Group members who traveled with me and the Iraqi Air Force General: General Mahamad

Victory over America/Iran Palace

Al Fwa palace where we went to an Army Transfer of Authority
Cermony and did some sight seeing



View across a second floor "viewing" room that Sadam liked to have so he could
watch over his guests during his hosted parties

Where the bomb came through the Victory over America/Iran palace

        From top of Victory over America/Iran Palace into Baghdad city

So it was like a mini-vacation and I was lucky to get to go.  I honestly had NO desire to go off base once I got here but the opportunity came up and we flew.   We were hoping to get to fly in a Black Hawk helicopter but I didn't get to.  I did get to ride in a Chinook helicopter though which was AWESOME.  It was really cool to get to see first hand the trianing of Iraqi medical troops and meet the Iraqi Air Force General.  The time period I am here serving in Iraq is called "Operation New Dawn" because it focuses on what the Iraqi Military and citizens will have to take over once our military forces leave here at the end of the year.

The trip was AWESOME butg I have also been busy at work  going through our equipment and find out if other bases need it or if I can go ahead and turn it in to be returned to the good' ol U.S.A.  I've already turned in over 130 items and have 30 pieces of eqiupment I'm turning in.  The more I can do the less people will have to do after me!

Until next time..........keep smiling:)

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